Waterline’s power modelling services

Our site-experienced Electrical Engineers have the practical knowledge and understanding of site challenges and what’s required to keep your site running 24/7. With our pragmatic approach, our Electrical Engineers are adept at ensuring your electrical system is compliant with Australia Standards, such as AS/NZS 3000 and 3008 while keeping your personnel safe.

The mini-wall floor horizon plotted by the Shearer pass to pass. The commissioned automation system working hand-in-hand with the operations team has led to excellent horizon compliance and kept the wall “In-Seam"

Delta Coal’s Chain Valley Colliery

Here’s how Waterline’s remote process control system (PCS) support & automation services have helped Delta Coal’s Chain Valley Colliery obtain a seven per cent improvement in the quality of the coal extracted from a single cut sequence, while improving operational reliability and improving the safety of the operator