Evelyn Mejias

Happy holidays

Another year has come and gone, just like that. As I reflect on the year that was, it has been another eventful year. Not only with all the COVID-19 developments—borders closing, re-opening, vaccine requirements and the like, but also from a sector and business perspective.

L-R: Chris, Mel, Seb and Dan

#MESC2021 all wrapped up!

G’day, Chris Mapleson, Project Engineer & Compliance Lead at Waterline. Time really flies, doesn’t it? It feels like it was just yesterday that I thought MESC 2021 is just a couple of months away and just like that, it has now wrapped up.


We’re officially 10 years old this month. Feels like it was just yesterday that I co-founded Waterline from my office positioned on the waterline in Bowen. It was the beautiful view that served as my inspiration to name the engineering company ‘Waterline’.