Waterline News

Tom Barber at his desk working

Yielding value-added work

Hello, Tom Barber, General Manager of Engineering here. Since joining Waterline in 2021, it has been brilliant to witness and be part of the accelerated growth Waterline has experienced since....

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Luke And Nick with boots on the ground in Mackay

Delivering sustainable growth

G’day Steve Cheyne, General Manager of Strategic Growth here. As you may have read, there are various moving parts at Waterline. I am excited about the recent changes that have...

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New leaders building a sustainable business

Well, it has been about four weeks since I stepped into the Chief Executive Officer role. And while it has been a month into my new role, with all the...

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Nick, Chirs, Luke and Mel at the QME black tie dinner

Mackay frenzy continues on after QME2022

We’re still buzzing from the success of the event. How about you?...

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Tim Strong appointed CEO at Waterline

From 27 July 2022, Waterline’s CEO and Co-Founder, Randall Makin will be taking a leave of absence to assist RedEye with appointing a new CEO. Tim Strong, Operations Manager, has...

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Hello Mackay! #QME 2022 here we come

I’m excited to finally make my way back to my hometown, Mackay. This time with Waterline’s talented team to attend QME 2022....

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Luke and Chris presetnting at MESC 2022

It’s a wrap for #MESC2022

With the event all wrapped up we’re thinking it ended too quickly—isn’t this always the thought? Now we’re thinking about #MESC2023!...

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It’s that time of the year #MESC2022

We’ve been waiting in anticipation for confirmation that this year’s event was proceeding. And now that the notification has come through, we’re counting down to MESC 2022....

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Waterline’s power modelling services

Our site-experienced Electrical Engineers have the practical knowledge and understanding of site challenges and what’s required to keep your site running 24/7. With our pragmatic approach, our Electrical Engineers are...

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Collaborate with engineers who treat your assets like their own

Discover how Waterline’s solutions can bring precision and expertise to your engineering projects.